1. Game Schedule
  2. Bracket
  3. Regionals

2023 Little League Baseball® World Series – Presented by T-Mobile – August 16 – 27

Media Resources

Welcome to the Little League® Region and World Series Media Resources Page. This page will provide you with many of the materials that you, as the members of the media, may need as you capture every exciting moment at the Little League Baseball and Softball Region and World Series Tournaments.


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Media Registration and Credentials

Below is information on media credentials for all of our hosted events this summer. Media Credentials are only given to media outlets providing editorial coverage of the events, and subject to the discretion of the Little League International Communications Department. Please check at the bottom of this page for more detailed information on media guidelines and other relevant resources for each event. NOTE: Media credentials are not transferable and cannot be issued to anyone under the age of 18. Please note that all media credentials are subject to revocation if the rules and media guidelines set forth by the Little League staff are not followed.

All U.S. Region and Teenage Division World Series Tournaments: Accredited members of the media in good standing are welcome to cover these events as long as they display a media credential and/or other apparel that distinguishes their media outlet they are covering for at all times. Upon arrival, members of the media must check-in with the Tournament Director or Assistant Tournament Director to let them know they are covering the event on site. The media credentials and/or other apparel that distinguishes their media outlet must be worn at all times while on the property. Please note that media access is subject to revocation if the rules and media guidelines set forth by the Little League staff are not followed. Coverage should be focused solely on the event and game activity, as outlined in the media guidelines, and subject to access restrictions at each location.

Little League Baseball® World Series (Williamsport, Pa.) and Little League Softball® World Series (Greenville, N.C.): Every member of the media looking to cover the Little League Baseball World Series and/or Little League Softball World Series in person is required to submit a media credential application, which is contingent on a standard national criminal background check. Only those who are approved for a media credential will be permitted on site to cover the event, and are required to wear it at all times.


AU Pro Games at the LLSWS: Members of the media who are credentialed for the LLSWS are not automatically qualified for credentials for the AU Pro Games at the LLSWS doubleheader on August 7, 2024. Any member of the media looking for credentialed access must submit separate credential requests for each respective event (LLSWS and AU Pro Games at the LLSWS). Those media looking to cover the AU Pro Games doubleheader at ECU would require a separate AU Pro Games credential, which can be requested by reaching out to the AU Media Team. NOTE: All media who are planning on covering the interaction between Little Leaguers and Athletes Unlimited players throughout the days on August 7-8 must have a LLSWS media credential as well.

MLB Little League Classic: Members of the media who are credentialed for the LLBWS are not automatically qualified for credentials for the MLB Little League Classic at Bowman Field on August 18, 2024. Any member of the media looking for credentialed access must submit separate credential requests for each respective event (LLBWS and MLB Little League Classic). Individuals wishing to apply for a media credential for the MLB Little League Classic at Historic Bowman Field must submit their application at http://Credentials.MLB.com. Media outlets that have not previously applied online for MLB credentials must contact the MLB Communications Department at (212) 931-7884 or via e-mail at credentials@mlb.com in order to gain access to the credentialing system or for additional questions regarding credentials for the MLB Little League Classic. Please note that all media wishing to cover the Little League Baseball World Series at the Little League International Complex in South Williamsport must receive credentials from Little League International, which will not grant you credentials to cover the MLB Little League Classic at Historic Bowman Field.

E-Mail Distribution Lists: Any member of the media who is planning to cover any of the events virtually, and would like to be added to a media distribution list for the event, may email WSMedia@LittleLeague.org with information on their outlet, the event they’re covering, and the specific team they’re covering (if applicable).

POOL PHOTO REQUESTS: Images of game action and special events are available upon request from Little League Region and World Series tournaments, courtesy of Little League Baseball and Softball. Requests for pool photos should be emailed to WSMedia@LittleLeague.org and are typically handled within 24 hours of request. NOTE: Individual requests must be made for each event/game and cannot be made for the entirety of the tournament.
