1. Game Schedule
  2. Bracket
  3. Regionals

2019 Little League Baseball World Series – August 15 – 25

General Safety and Weather Warnings

Average August temperatures in Williamsport, Pennsylvania range from highs around 90 degrees to lows around 60 degrees. Cool clothing, hats, and sunscreen are recommended.

Help Keep Pennsylvania SAFE. Report suspicious activity. Use the See Something Send Something™ app (CLICK HERE).

Call (888) 292-1919 or e-mail the PA Tipline (tips@pa.gov)

If you are experiencing an emergency or a crime in progress, CALL 911.

For those in need of medical assistance, a First Aid Station is located on the first-base side of Howard J. Lamade Stadium.

For your personal safety, we ask that you exercise due care at all times. Also, please be reminded that under wet conditions the grounds may become slippery; take appropriate precautions.

Weather Alert

Please observe scoreboards/message boards for the WEATHER WARNING sign shown above. This sign will appear in advance of inclement weather as information becomes available. When the sign appears, you are advised to take precautions even before play is suspended. Seek shelter immediately upon seeing the alert. During periods of inclement weather, you should avoid the following:

• Bodies of Water
• Golf Carts
• Isolated Trees
• Hilltops & High Places
• Open Areas
• Wire Fences
• Metal Bleachers & Rails