1. LLBWS Schedule
  2. LLBWS Bracket
  3. LLB Regionals

2018 Little League Baseball World Series – August 16 – 26

Media Resources

Media Contact

Welcome to the Little League Baseball World Series. This portal will provide you with many of the materials that you, as media, may need as you capture every exciting World Series moment while keeping everyone at “home” up-to-date on their local team. For those of you coming to South Williamsport to cover the Little League Baseball World Series, we do ask you adhere to the guidelines in our Media Guide, which you can download below.

Kevin Fountain
Director of Media Relations
Little League Baseball and Softball
(570) 326-1921, ext. 2325 (office)
(570) 295-7728 (cell)

General Questions

Media Registration and Credentials

LLBWS Credentials: Individuals wishing to cover the Little League Baseball World Series must submit a Media Credential Request through our online form, which can be found here, including complete instructions.

Regional/Divisional World Series Credentials: Credential information for Little League Baseball and Softball Regional and Divisional World Series (non-LLBWS) events should be directed to the Regional Director and/or Tournament Director of the respective event.

MLB Little League Classic (Bowman Field) Credentials: Starting in late July, individuals wishing to apply for a media credential for the MLB Little League Classic at Historic Bowman Field must submit their application at http://Credentials.MLB.com. Deadline to apply is Friday, August 10. Media outlets that have not previously applied online for MLB credentials must contact the MLB Communications Department at (212) 931-7884 or via e-mail at credentials@mlb.com in order to gain access to the credentialing system or for additional questions regarding credentials for the MLB Little League Classic. Please note that all media wishing to cover the Little League Baseball World Series at the Little League International Complex in South Williamsport must receive credentials from Little League International, which will not grant you credentials to cover the MLB Little League Classic at Historic Bowman Field.

The Little League Baseball World Series Media Center is located on the third base side of Lamade Stadium on the concourse level. For hours, please consult the 2018 World Series Media Guide.

Media Center Contact Info:
570-326-1921 ext. 2420
Fax: 570-601-0115

Media Resources

Below you will find links to various resources to help your coverage of the 2018 Little League Baseball World Series. If at any time you cannot find the information you’re looking for, please contact the Little League Baseball and Softball Communications Staff.

Please note that with the launch of the new website, some resources may be difficult to find. While we encourage you to check the archived LittleLeague.org website, feel free to send specific questions to wsmedia@littleleague.org and a member of our Communications Staff will do their best to assist.