You stepped up, and volunteered to coach a Little League® team. First, thank you! Without committed volunteers like you, local leagues would not be able to provide kids with the…
A league’s registration days are typically the first official local league function of the new Little League® season. During this time, parents and guardians sign up their children to play…
Every summer, of the thousands of Little League® teams that participate in the International Tournament, only a few become World Series champions. Some of those teams boast a handful of…
To be a Little League® coach is fun and exhilarating. Being Little League manager can be much more daunting and unnerving, especially if you aren’t comfortable with the program’s rules…
If you want your players to bring all the enthusiasm possible to every practice, then you must exercise all your enthusiasm in keeping practice fresh and fun. You should promise…
The Purchasing Agent is a member of the local league Board of Directors and is responsible for coordinating all of the league’s purchases made throughout the year. Working in tandem…
Inclusion and opportunity has been the cornerstone of Little League® since it was founded in 1939. Always striving to provide a positive experience for boys and girls around the world, Little…
The Little League® Umpire uniform is unique. Unlike other Little League volunteers, umpires typically chose to officiate games after being involved at the local or district level in other capacities.…
The most important time you spend with your team is at practice, and the foundation for building team character is coaching a practice focused on hustle, repetitions, and attitude. Hustle…
The Little League® Data Center is the online repository of all local league information for Little League Baseball and Softball. This video is designed to familiarize local league and district…