Making team drills a part of practice serves a number of purposes. For younger players, it helps them stay active and prevents boredom. For older players, it’s a great way…
With summer in full swing, we look forward to enjoying a good game on a beautiful sunny day. Apart from making baseball and softball more pleasant, sunshine has many health…
As stated in the current edition of the Little League® Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Policies, it should be clearly understood by Tournament Directors and League Presidents that their is…
The health and welfare of our children is always a top priority. When kids play sports, it’s always important to remember that simple body maintenance is the best way to…
Umpiring can be extraordinarily rewarding for a number of reasons. Foremost among them is that as a Little League® umpire, you serve the children and families in your community. Also,…
It is the responsibility of each local Little League® to develop an annual plan for fundraising. Such fundraising efforts should consider the necessary operating budget of the local league, income…
Making local training a priority, helps managers and coaches contribute to a better Little League® experience. Players enjoying Little League® softball or baseball starts with improving their fundamentals, to increase…
The umpire is fundamental to the games of baseball and softball. But, how the umpire presents himself or herself will go a long way in determining how coaches, players, and…
Interleague Play provides leagues with additional flexibility and options to meet the required minimum of a 12-game regular-season schedule for each team through scheduling games with teams from other nearby…
The Coaching Coordinator is an elected member of a local league’s Board of Directors and represents to the managers and coaches in the league. It is not necessary, but highly-recommended…