There are a lot of moving parts that go into a successful Little League® Registration Day. Creating a registration checklist of actionable items to be completed prior to registration day…
If a Little Leaguer® is injured during a game, practice, or other league-approved activity that may or may not require medical attention, league officials (manager/coach, Safety Officer, Player Agent, etc.)…
Bunting is a key, but often overlooked offensive skill. A simple and fun way to develop proper bunting technique is to practice directional bunting. To do this drill, all the…
There is an age-old question about whether sports build character or reveals it. The answer is “usually, neither.” Baseball and Softball contributes to building character in Little Leaguers® when coaches,…
Coaching youth sports can be one of the most rewarding experiences a person can have. Teaching children the fundamentals of the game, along with how to compete at an early…
At Little League® International in Williamsport, Pa., and at our Regional Offices, calls and emails come in all year long about situations that are happening at one of our 7,000…
With more than 1,000 players and nearly 850 games played in a regular season, it is easy to imagine that an average game day in Arlington (Texas) Southwest Little League…
Most parents and guardians expect an organization to have a website that is updated frequently, easy to navigate, and accepts online registrations. Having these available for your league can help…
To be a Little League® coach is fun and exhilarating. Being Little League manager can be much more daunting and unnerving, especially if you aren’t comfortable with the program’s rules…
If you want your players to bring all the enthusiasm possible to every practice, then you must exercise all your enthusiasm in keeping practice fresh and fun. You should promise…