Baseball and softball are often summer sports, played in the heat and humidity. But, it doesn’t need to be hot for families to make sure proper steps are being taken…
This month, we will explain and outline how to appeal a play after the ball has been declared “dead” by the umpire. The situation described below is applicable in all…
This month, we will explain and outline the rule governing interference when a batter-runner is contacted by a thrown ball outside of the runner’s lane. The situation described below is…
Watching Little League® games can be as much fun as playing in them. Here are three easy resources to help you enjoy the season from the bleachers. Know the Pledge…
Throughout the regular season, a protest situation may occur. When a protest does occur, what happens, and where does it go? Protesting a regular season game is outlined in Rule…
The Little League® International Tournament always begins with a special thrill and excitement for Little Leaguers® around the globe looking to travel the road to a World Series. The players…
The local Board of Directors decides how the league chooses to budget its funds and those decisions directly impact how much money it needs to operate. Some examples of a…
Any community with a youth baseball or softball program chartered with Little League® International in Williamsport, Pa., is eligible to enroll a team or teams in the annual Little League…
There is no Little League® volunteer that has more daily influence and responsibility for your children than a team manager and coach. Now is the time when you can help…
Little League® Umpires often work many games during the season, and quite often do not work with the same partner(s). To develop trust and continuity takes time, but getting to…