Card image Touching Base Video Tips for Preparing to Host a Little League® Tournament What you'll learn Having a large volume of staff available helps to ease the burden and stress that may come with hosting games.
What you'll learn Having a large volume of staff available helps to ease the burden and stress that may come with hosting games.
Card image Player Safety Incorporating Effective Local Training Can Prep Volunteers for a Safer, More Successful Season What you'll learn The current ASAP Safety Plan requirements address the training required of your league, but behind them lies so much more than just completing what’s mandated.
What you'll learn The current ASAP Safety Plan requirements address the training required of your league, but behind them lies so much more than just completing what’s mandated.
Card image Player Safety Conduct a Facilities Safety Check Before the Season Starts What you'll learn List of suggestions on how to check your field, restrooms, and concession stand.
Card image Player Safety Background Checks Help Keep Predators Out of Your League What you'll learn A background check must include the review of the U.S. Center for SafeSport’s Centralized Disciplinary Database.
What you'll learn A background check must include the review of the U.S. Center for SafeSport’s Centralized Disciplinary Database.
Card image Touching Base Video Touching Base: How to Interact, and Share Information, with Local Leagues What you'll learn How one league uses online resources to educate their local leagues and volunteers.
What you'll learn How one league uses online resources to educate their local leagues and volunteers.
Card image Touching Base Video Touching Base: Best Practices for Umpires; Boosting Local League Participation
Card image Resource Guide Little League® Tips for Online Registration What you'll learn Online registration can help digitize your player, family, and volunteer info, which can help with your tracking and communication.
What you'll learn Online registration can help digitize your player, family, and volunteer info, which can help with your tracking and communication.
Card image Resource Guide What Parents, Local Leagues Need to Know About Equipping a Little Leaguer® What you'll learn What equipment is usually provided by local leagues and what parents may need to buy.
What you'll learn What equipment is usually provided by local leagues and what parents may need to buy.
Card image Resource Guide Utilize a League Website, Improve Visibility and Family Support What you'll learn How a website can increase communication, sponsorship’s, and recruitment of players and volunteers.
What you'll learn How a website can increase communication, sponsorship’s, and recruitment of players and volunteers.