Card image Player Safety Local League Parents Code of Conduct: Help Make Parents, Families, and Fans Accountable for their Behavior What you'll learn How your league can develop a Parent Code of Conduct that can be distributed to the families in your league.
What you'll learn How your league can develop a Parent Code of Conduct that can be distributed to the families in your league.
Card image How to Welcome Families in Financial Need into Your Local Little League® Program What you'll learn The importance for leagues to ensure that every child has the opportunity to play, no matter their family’s financial situation.
What you'll learn The importance for leagues to ensure that every child has the opportunity to play, no matter their family’s financial situation.
Card image Tournament The Little League® International Tournament: Umpire Submission Form What you'll learn The steps to submit a form to the Regional Directors and DA declaring the intention to umpire.
What you'll learn The steps to submit a form to the Regional Directors and DA declaring the intention to umpire.
Card image Don't Let This Happen Don’t Let This Happen: Bungled Leadership Transition Cripples Incoming Board of Directors, Operation of Local League What you'll learn The importance of adding language into the local league bylaws that outlines the process and method for transition of leadership.
What you'll learn The importance of adding language into the local league bylaws that outlines the process and method for transition of leadership.
Card image Player Safety When Closing Down Your Facility, Pay Attention to Details What you'll learn Why giving a little extra effort in closing your facility now, will help ensure a smooth start to your next season.
What you'll learn Why giving a little extra effort in closing your facility now, will help ensure a smooth start to your next season.
Card image Player Eligibility What Items Go Into a International Tournament Team’s Eligibility Documents Book What you'll learn The forms and documents that are required by Little League® International, specific to each player on the tournament team roster.
What you'll learn The forms and documents that are required by Little League® International, specific to each player on the tournament team roster.
Card image Don't Let This Happen Don’t Let This Happen: People Give Face to the Worst in Youth Sports
Card image Concession Stand Inspection Checklist What you'll learn It’s essential that all aspects of the concessions stand are thoroughly and regularly inspected to avoid injuries.
What you'll learn It’s essential that all aspects of the concessions stand are thoroughly and regularly inspected to avoid injuries.
Card image Don't Let This Happen Don’t Let This Happen: Announcing Little League® International Tournament Teams Too Early What you'll learn Beginning tournament activities prior to May 15 will disqualify you from that year’s tournament.
What you'll learn Beginning tournament activities prior to May 15 will disqualify you from that year’s tournament.
Card image Don't Let This Happen Don’t Let This Happen: Not Delegating Created an Administrative Nightmare What you'll learn The importance of delegating tasks and why you shouldn’t rely on a small group of volunteers to conduct all league operations.
What you'll learn The importance of delegating tasks and why you shouldn’t rely on a small group of volunteers to conduct all league operations.