Card image Webinar Video Little League Rules 1.00 and 5.00: Game Objectives and Putting the Ball in Play What you'll learn The objectives of the game and importance of putting the ball in play and making it live.
What you'll learn The objectives of the game and importance of putting the ball in play and making it live.
Card image Document Streaming and Webcasting Using the Internet: FAQs, Guidelines, and Policies What you'll learn If your league is using Social Media to stream games, Little League® International does not require the league to seek formal permission.
What you'll learn If your league is using Social Media to stream games, Little League® International does not require the league to seek formal permission.
Card image Webinar Video Little League Rule 9.00: The Umpire What you'll learn The authority and responsibility of the game official.
Card image Webinar Video Little League Rule 2.00: Definition of Terms What you'll learn The definition of terms that set the parameters of a Little League game.
Card image Guidance and Best Practices for Operating a Little League® Concession Stand What you'll learn How to navigate through the planning, purchasing, and inventory management that is involved when preparing for your season.
What you'll learn How to navigate through the planning, purchasing, and inventory management that is involved when preparing for your season.
Card image Resource Guide Marketing Resources – Registration Flyers What you'll learn Promotion and participation go hand-in-hand. Using registration flyers will help towards your registration goals.
What you'll learn Promotion and participation go hand-in-hand. Using registration flyers will help towards your registration goals.
Tips for Understanding the Type of Protections Provided by a Liability Waiver What you'll learn A league that chooses to use a liability waiver needs a lawyer to develop language that complies with current state and federal laws.
What you'll learn A league that chooses to use a liability waiver needs a lawyer to develop language that complies with current state and federal laws.
Card image How to Support Additional Equipment Needs for Families in Your League What you'll learn That a player having their own equipment can help them to feel included, especially at the younger age groups.
What you'll learn That a player having their own equipment can help them to feel included, especially at the younger age groups.
Card image Resource Guide Alternate Methods of Play for Regular Season Games What you'll learn The approved game modifications The minimum requirements required for use
Card image Player Safety Facility Safety Is a Year-Round Priority What you'll learn Procedures that your league can put in place to make your fields and facilities safer year-round.
What you'll learn Procedures that your league can put in place to make your fields and facilities safer year-round.