Card image Resource Guide Prepping for the Season: Selecting Coaches and Support Staff What you'll learn Approaching volunteers should be done with the understanding that they will hold the best interests of the entire team as the top priority.
What you'll learn Approaching volunteers should be done with the understanding that they will hold the best interests of the entire team as the top priority.
Card image Resource Guide 3 Tips to Run a Fun, Effective Practice What you'll learn These areas can maximize practice times: fast moving stations, practice schedules, and player engagement.
What you'll learn These areas can maximize practice times: fast moving stations, practice schedules, and player engagement.
Card image Resource Guide The Player Draft: What Parents Need to Know What you'll learn The role of the player draft in Little League What draft methods are approved
Card image Resource Guide Fundraising For Your Local League What you'll learn Leagues are encouraged to establish their annual operating budget early in the fall and then develop a fundraising plan to implement prior to the season.
What you'll learn Leagues are encouraged to establish their annual operating budget early in the fall and then develop a fundraising plan to implement prior to the season.
Card image Resource Guide The Draft: Manager and Coach Options What you'll learn The brother/sister draft options The son/daughter draft options
Card image Resource Guide Questions to Ask Before Registration What you'll learn What you should know before heading to your league’s registration event.