Boundaries play an important role within the Little League® program by helping to maintain parity and ensuring that Little League remains a community based program. Prior to each season, each league should review its boundary map to ensure that everyone in the league understands the area to be serviced and identify any changes that may need to be requested.
To review the boundary map on file with Little League, login to the Data Center and click on the link to view your league’s boundary map. This map is the official map on file with Little League and the map that will be used at tournament to verify the eligibility of participants. If there are changes that your league would like to request, you may do so by submitting a request to the Charter Committee via your District Administrator.
As a reminder, eligibility for players League Age 8-16 is based on residency, school enrollment, or uninterrupted participation since age seven. Children at the youngest level of the Little League Baseball and Softball program (League Age 4-7) have the ability to register for any Little League program they choose, without respect to any geography- or school-related eligibility requirements. Those players who register under this option will also be fully eligible to participate in all aspects of league play, including International Tournament play, for the duration of their Little League careers provided they have continuous and unbroken participation within the specific league where initially registered and provided all other participation eligibility requirements have been met.
Please review the common questions listed below with respect to boundaries and player eligibility for additional information.
Where can I obtain a copy of our league’s boundary map?
A copy of your league’s boundary map is accessible through the Little League Data Center.
How do I make changes to our boundary map?
League boundaries may only be changed with Charter Committee approval. Proposed changes to an existing league’s boundaries must be sent to your district administrator for review and confirmation that there is no conflict with another league’s boundary. Your District Administrator will then submit the proposed boundary change to your respective Regional Office for presentation to the Charter Committee.
What factors does the Charter Committee consider when reviewing a boundary adjustment?
The Charter Committee reviews a number of factors including, but not limited to, the league’s population, how the change will affect parity within the district, how many schools are serviced by the league, the likelihood that the league will be able to adequately service the new area, the recommendations of the District Administrator and Regional Office, etc.
What do we do if a player who does not reside within our boundary attempts to register in our league?
Any player League Age eight or older who does not reside within a league boundary is not able to participate in that league without either having uninterrupted participation since age seven or a waiver issued by the Little League International Charter Committee in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Players League Age eight or above that do not reside within a league boundary but attend a school that is physically located within the league boundary are permitted to participate in that league with full eligibility. Reminder, players league age seven and under may register in any Little League program without respect to any geography-related eligibility or school eligibility requirements. Learn more about the waiver process.
Do players have to use residence for eligibility if they live in the league’s boundary or can they also use the school option?
Players who both reside within and attend a school within a league’s boundary may use either residence or school attendance to qualify for eligibility in that league.