Players league-age 8-to-16 are eligible for selection to an International Tournament team provided they meet the criteria established by the Little League® Residency or School Attendance Player Eligibility Requirement and “Player Participation In Other Programs.”
Players must have participated during the Little League regular season to be eligible for selection to that season’s baseball or softball tournament teams.
Baseball or softball players league-age 9-to-14 are eligible for selection to multiple tournament teams, however, may only participate on one tournament team at a time. After a tournament team is eliminated, a player may be named to a second tournament team provided they meet all eligibility criteria, there is room for the player on the affidavit, and they are not replacing an eligible player already named on the affidavit. Under no circumstances may players be chosen for, practice with, or participate with more than one tournament team at one time.
8-9-10 Year-Old, 9-10-11 Year-Old, Little League (Major, 10-11-12) Baseball or Softball, Junior Baseball Divisions, and Intermediate (50/70) Baseball Divisions
Players league-age 8-to-13 to be selected to tournament teams in the 8-9-10 Year-Old, 9-10-11 Year-Old, Little League (Major, 10-11-12) Baseball or Softball, Junior Baseball Divisions, and Intermediate (50/70) Baseball Divisions must have amateur status, and have participated as an eligible player in eight (8) regular-season games by the beginning of the International Tournament, with the exception of the school baseball or softball season. Players qualifying under the school exception, must participate in 60% of the games available to them. Players may be selected to an age appropriate team without respect to division of play during the regular season.
Senior League Baseball or Softball
Players league ages 12-to-16 to be selected to the Senior League Baseball or Softball Tournament Team must have amateur status, who has/is registered with a local league in which they meet the residency or school enrollment requirements by the start of tournament play.
School Baseball or Softball Program Participation
A player who is NOT able to participate in a number of local league regular season games because of participation in a school baseball or softball program will receive an adjustment on the minimum participation in games required under this rule, provided the player was a registered member of the league prior to the start of the regular season within that division. Players who qualify under this condition must play in sixty (60) percent of the games available to them.
EXAMPLE: If, for any given division, Team A played 16 regular-season games before the start of the International Tournament, and a player missed 10 games because of participation in a school baseball program while a registered member of the league prior to the start of the regular season, that player is required to have participated in only four (4) regular season games to be eligible for the Tournament Team, which is at least 60% of the games available to them.
Injured Players During Regular Season
The local league Board of Directors may permit a player to be eligible for selection, who does not meet the games-played requirement, if the player provides a physician’s note documenting an injury or illness prior to, or during, the current season prohibiting his/her participation; and such note releases the player for the balance of the Regular Season and/or Tournament Play.