The Little League® District Administrator of a given district is responsible for various aspects of the operations of district tournament games that are part of the International Tournament and is the Tournament Director in most cases. He or she may appoint tournament directors and staff to assist with various aspects of the tournament.
International Tournament games are those games that begin on, or about, June 20 at the District level and conclude with the State Tournaments (8- to 10-year-old Division and 9- to 11-year-old Division) and World Series in the seven other divisions of play. Some states may also have section-level tournaments before the State-level.
The District Administrator is solely responsible for deciding the site(s) at the district tournament level. When reviewing possible sites, the D.A. should consider:
Minimum Facility Standards
It is vital that each site meets the minimum published standards for size, layout, lighting, dugouts, seating, parking, concession, public rest rooms, public address system and safety. These standards are available in the current year’s Little League Baseball® and Little League Softball® Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Policies. Condition of the playing surface and immediate surroundings must also be considered for safety and enjoyment of those participating in and attending the game(s).
It is important that the location be accessible to all participants.
Each site must have enough volunteers for all committees and duties required.
The Tournament Director is solely responsible for deciding the officials for games within district tournament play. When reviewing these volunteer roles, the D.A. should consider:
These should be experienced people who work in leagues as volunteers. Their training, experience, and availability to attend briefings as well as games should be most important. Sufficient personnel should be recruited to assure their rotation to sites so as to avoid, if possible, any umpire officiating a game involving his/her “home” team. District Administrators must not umpire.
This is a very important, yet often overlooked, aspect of tournament play. It is vital for all scorekeepers to understand that they must be diligent in ensuring that no ineligible pitcher/player participates in a game. Although the manager of each team is ultimately responsible for this, and the participation of an ineligible player will almost certainly cause a game to be forfeited, scorekeepers and all other personnel should make every attempt to prevent this situation.
Tournament Assistants
These people are appointed by the District Administrator to assist with game operations at individual sites, and they serve at the pleasure of the D.A. They must be well versed in the rules, regulations and policies of Little League, and in the Tournament Rules and Guidelines. They are typically available at the site to answer any questions that may arise. However, it must be understood by all concerned that the Little League International Tournament Committee in Williamsport, Pa., has final authority over all aspects of play in the International Tournament. No District Administrator, Tournament Director, tournament assistant, umpire or any other person has the authority to suspend or alter any rule, regulation, or policy of Little League, or any part of the Tournament Rules and Guidelines.
Possible committees for each District Administrator to appoint should include: finance, housing, publicity, transportation, program, parking & police, medical, ceremonies, umpires, scorekeepers, and pitch counters.
The procedures for handling any protest of a Tournament Rule or Regulation in the International Tournament are in the current year’s Little League Baseball® and Little League Softball® Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Policies. It is the right of each manager to suspend play in the International Tournament until his/her protest is heard at the Regional level and, if requested, International Headquarters level. (This does not apply during regular season play, or in Special Games.) However, in the case of a protest involving a playing rule, if the manager relinquishes this right and continues play without first referring the problem to the highest level possible (the Tournament Committee in Williamsport), then the protest is no longer valid.
Postponement/Rescheduling of Games
If a team fails to arrive for a scheduled International Tournament game, the District Administrator or Tournament Director should receive information as to the cause. If the team never received information on scheduling, or received the wrong information, or if some members of the team became ill or injured, and the team cannot field at least nine players that day because of the illness or injury the game may be re-scheduled. If a game is unable to start on time due to a team not having 9 players available at the start of the game, the matter must be referred to the Tournament Committee through the Regional office before the games begins in any manner. This also applies if a team drops below 9 players during a game.
However, if the team fails to arrive at the game because of indifference, or because some players are participating in other baseball/softball programs, or because some players are out of town, etc., the District Administrator or Tournament Director refer to the Tournament Committee through the Region Office for review. The reason for a team failing to arrive at a game should be determined before the regional office is contacted. Any forfeit for any reason whatsoever may ONLY be granted by the Tournament Committee in Williamsport. Umpires, the District Administrator, Tournament Director and Regional Director are NOT authorized to grant forfeits.
Media Coverage AND STREAMING
Televising or Internet Streaming of International Tournament games by third-party entities without express written permission from Little League International is prohibited. If a network, television station, cable company, streaming company, etc., wishes to televise or stream a game, the District Administrator or Tournament Director is instructed to contact the Little League International Communications Department to secure the proper rights contract.
Radio broadcasts of International Tournament games is permitted through a contractual agreement, provided the sponsorship (advertising) for such broadcasts conforms to Little League policies regarding advertising. (See the current year’s Little League Baseball® and Little League Softball® Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Policies.) The District Administrator may execute a contract for radio broadcasting of International Tournament games in which he/she is Tournament Director.