Tournament Prep: A Health and Safety Readiness Checklist

Each summer, Little League® facilities welcome players, coaches, local league officials, and plenty of fans to their game sites for the Little League International Tournament. To provide an added level of protection and support to hosting leagues, this health and safety readiness checklist has been compiled to provide guidance during the planning process. Consider the status of your on-site emergency services and offer training to all those volunteers who may be faced with a tending to the minor injury or a major medical crisis.
- Confirm the Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is accessible at the game (sites) and ready to use
- Confirm First Aid Kit is fully stocked and easily accessible at the game site(s).
- Confirm required trainings are completed:
- The Little League Abuse Awareness Training for all volunteers is required to be completed each year.
- Confirm all managers and coaches have completed Concussion Safety Training in accordance with state and local guidelines.
- Confirm field and facility have been thoroughly inspected and ready to go!
- Dugouts
- Concession Stand
- Bleachers
- Fencing
- Restrooms
- Field and fencing.
- Check all lights for broken bulbs, any electrical issues.
- Confirm all background checks have been completed in compliance with Little League regulations and that the information has been updated in the Little League Data Center. Note: Any new or first-time tournament volunteers must complete the Volunteer Application Process, including the Little League Abuse Awareness Training for all volunteers.
- Make hand sanitizer readily available in concession stand, dugouts, and restrooms. If restroom facilities are equipped with hot and cold running water, assure each location has hand soap and disposable towels available.
- If they haven’t already completed it in the past, remind your tournament coaches and managers the requirement to complete the Little League Diamond Leader Training Program, which is focused on enhancing the social and emotional wellbeing of young athletes.