Sponsorships and donations from local businesses and organizations help provide the necessary funding for the local Little League® program to thrive. This support provides for lower registration fees from families, promotes local businesses, and brings a greater sense of community to your league.
Create list of local businesses within league boundary and identify owner or manager to contact.
Determine what sponsorship and fundraising opportunities the league will offer, for example:
- Registration sponsor — Hold registration at their venue
- Uniform Sponsor — Sponsor name on team jersey
- Fence sign sponsor
- Program book — Full, half, and quarter page advertisement, if the league does a program book
- Opening Day — Recognition during your parade and/or on-field ceremonies
Here are some tips for fostering and developing your potential sponsors:
- Create a sponsorship brochure and donation letter that includes information about the league and funding needs.
- Visit businesses in person to discuss the opportunities to support the league through a monetary or in-kind donation. Also, see if the company encourages its employees to do community service and has anyone who might be willing to volunteer with the league.
- Provide recognition and thanks to those that have sponsored through your league’s website, social media accounts, printed materials, public speeches, etc.
- Review and convey Little League’s trademark usage guidelines and what can/cannot be offered to your local league sponsors
As the Sponsorship/Fundraising Manager, it is also important to monitor how the money raised through these efforts is being managed. Maintain records of monies secured through sponsorship and fundraising initiatives, and ensure that all donations to the league are for the general treasury of the league not one specific team.