The Group Insurance Program for Little League is specially designed with multiple A-rated insurance carriers for chartered local Little Leagues to create affordable protection for league operations. This includes Accident Medical Insurance and Liability Insurance (which contains separate policies for General Liability, Directors & Officers Liability, Cyber Liability, Crime, and Inland Marine/Property/Contents).

Leagues may purchase their insurance from any outside source, but the Accident Insurance and General Liability Insurance must, at a minimum, include comparable limits and scope of coverage to that provided by the group insurance program for Little League®. The program offers the following types of insurance coverage:

Accident Insurance

The Little League Player Accident Policy, underwritten by National Union Fire Insurance Company (a member company of AIG) is an excess coverage, accident only plan, to be used as a supplement to other insurance carried under a family policy or insurance provided by an employer. The policy is subject to a $50 deductible that is the responsibility of the claimant. If a covered injury requires necessary treatment in the form of medical services or supplies provided by a physician, nurse, therapist, or other medical professional within 30 days after the date of the accident, the Company will pay the reasonable expenses incurred.

Such reasonable expenses must be incurred within 52 weeks after the date of the injury to be considered (subject to any deferred benefits). The maximum accident medical expense benefit is $100,000 for any one injury to any one Insured.

This accident insurance covers eligible participants (players, appointed/approved managers and coaches, volunteer umpires, Board Members, concession workers and other league volunteers) while traveling directly, without delay, to and from the field as well as during Little League practice sessions and games. Coverage also extends to league volunteers involved in authorized league activities. No coverage is in effect until the league has submitted their Charter Application and Insurance Enrollment form and the premium has been paid in full. This is a brief description of coverage.

Liability Insurance

This program contains separate policies for: 1. General Liability, 2. Directors & Officers Liability, 3. Cyber Liability, 4. Crime, and 5. Inland Marine (League equipment and other contents).  The policies cannot be purchased individually and are only available to those leagues that choose to enroll in the group insurance program for Little League during the annual charter/insurance enrollment process.  Full policy documents will be available to download on the Little League Data Center.

1. General Liability Insurance

General Liability Insurance covers your local league against litigation involving bodily injury or property damage claims, subject to any applicable exclusions. No coverage is in effect until the league has submitted their Charter Application and Insurance Enrollment form and the premium has been paid in full. If the league is served with litigation and/or made aware that someone is or will bring litigation against the local league for a bodily injury or property damage claim, please notify our office immediately with as much information that is currently available to the league. The information provided will be submitted to the insurance carrier for review.

2. Directors and Officers Liability Insurance

Directors & Officers Liability Insurance, covers litigation against your local league for issues involving discrimination, acts beyond granted authority, wrongful dismissal, libel/slander/defamation of character or errors and omissions in the performance of the league’s official duties (exclusions apply). This coverage does not apply to bodily injury or property damage claims. If the league is served with litigation and/or made aware that someone is or will bring litigation against the local league for any of the above issues, please notify our office immediately with as much information that is currently available to the league. The information provided will be submitted to the insurance carrier for review.

3. Cyber Liability Insurance

The cyber liability insurance program can provide individual leagues with protection against the following:

  • Third-party claims arising from a failure of the insured’s network security or a failure to protect data. Insurance also responds to regulatory actions in connections with a security failure, privacy breach or failure to disclose a security failure or privacy breach.
  • Direct first-party loss mitigation costs of responding to a security failure or privacy breach by paying costs of notifications, public relations, and other services to assist in managing and mitigating a cyber-incident, including forensic investigations, legal consultations and identity monitoring costs for victum of a breach.

The policy is NOT intended to provide any benefits for the third party vendors, such as companies that provide the league with online registration services.

4. Crime Insurance

Crime Insurance protects leagues against a monetary loss caused by embezzlement, dishonesty, the disappearance of money, securities and the destruction of money and securities. It also includes coverage for the burglary or theft of money. Leagues should report any claims or potential claims to the Risk Management department at Little League International so they can be elevated to the appropriate insurance carrier.

5. Inland Marine (Property/Contents Floater)

This policy is an all perils coverage and extends to enrolled leagues for loss of physical property/contents of the league related to burglary/theft as well as storm or natural disaster damage (fire, wind, etc.). Covered Property includes mobile baseball/softball equipment including bats, helmets, pitching machines, gloves, catchers’ equipment, and miscellaneous property stored in concession stands and storage sheds. Property covered also includes fences and sheds. The following property is specifically excluded: land, equipment that is not mobile in nature (other than fences and sheds), light poles, scoreboards, bleachers, dugouts and other fixed property usual to a baseball/softball field.

For more information or questions on insurance contact Brent Stahlnecker at