Each year, as part of the Little League® annual charter renewal process, a review is conducted by Little League International to determine if there are any pending issues that need to be resolved prior to charter approval.
Each league’s current charter profile is available through the Little League Data Center. If a league’s charter approval is on “hold” the charter and insurance enrollment forms will not be made available until all of the hold-related issues have been resolved.
If a league is on hold, the data center will identify the type of hold with a code designation, and provide the appropriate steps that need to be taken by the local league to address the concerns.
The typical types of Little League Holds are:
NC = NONCOMPLIANCE HOLD: Any league that did not submit the required signatures confirming background checks were completed for the previous season. Completion and submission of the confirmation of compliance signature form available would release the hold.
AH or C1 = CREDIT HOLD: Any league with a past due balance of any amount. Payment in full or payment arrangements made through the Finance Department at Little League International would release the hold.
IS = INSURANCE HOLD: Any league which had its previous year’s liability insurance coverage cancelled for non-payment. The league will be required to pre-pay the upcoming season’s liability insurance quote if it chooses Little League’s coverage with a cashier’s check before the hold is released. The league would need to contact the Liability Department at Little League International for the quote and requirements for release of the hold.
RH = REGIONAL HOLD: Any league that has regional issues that need to be resolved such as missing divisional format paperwork, election/constitution issues, charter committee directives, mergers, etc. This hold is also used to flag charter applications that are submitted for review before processing. The league would need to contact the regional office to resolve regional hold issues.
All holds must be resolved before a league is permitted to charter for the coming season. For more information on chartering, or the different types of holds, please, contact, Little League International Operations Coordinator Becky Bassett, at: 570-326-1921, ext. 2228; or e-mail: bbassett@LittleLeague.org.
Note that the respective regional offices also have the authority to apply holds. These are typically operational in nature, and commonly do not impact the chartering process, but may affect a league’s structure or tournament eligibility.