Completing Umpire Background Checks Through the Little League® Umpire Registry

The Little League® Umpire Registry is a trusted and well-rounded online education and training resource for umpires. An added benefit for Umpire Registry members is the option to complete and submit their annual Little League Official Volunteer Application through the Registry home page. Once logged into the Registry home page, members will notice a button that will allow them to begin the background check process.
A $5 one-time annual processing fee will be applied to submit the background check, but for that cost the umpire can choose to share their information with any league and district to view their volunteer application and background check results.
Umpire Registry Background Check Benefits:
- One background check for the current regular season and tournament season.
- Umpires can select leagues that they wish to volunteer with and no need for multiple paper volunteer applications.
- The Little League® Volunteer Application and background check is a secure safe site designed to protect the umpire’s personal information.
- Leagues selected by the umpire, can view the umpire’s information and background check through the Little League Data Center.
If an individual is not deemed eligible to participate due to the Little League Regulation 1(c)9, they will be contacted by the Little League Security Manager. Local little leagues still have the right to deem an umpire eligible or ineligible based on their local/state standards. The inclusion of this functionality is designed to encourage a timely submission and completion of the background check process by umpires and lessen the administrative burden that leagues cope with when scheduling umpires for games.
As a reminder, all umpires are also required to complete the Little League Abuse Awareness Training Course. This course, which serves as a replacement for the programs previously available through third-party organizations like USA Baseball, is custom to the Little League program and provides an easier learning experience for our volunteers. Required to be completed by all volunteers each year, this course is available as part of the training and education courses at, making signing up for the course even easier for our volunteers.
Important notice for league administrators: The selected leagues can review each potential umpires’ volunteer application, background check, and government-issued photo identification card in the Little League Data Center under “Find Umpire.” If your league cannot view any umpires, or a certain umpire, contact the volunteer umpire(s) directly and request that they identify their selection(s) through their “Manage Umpire Search Preferences” on the Little League Umpire Registry homepage.
The Umpire Registry is free to join and current members are requested to update their membership information on an annual basis. Anyone wishing to join is invited to visit: