5 Ways to Make the Little League® Season More Fun for You and Your Little Leaguer®

Little League® is about having fun with friends, enjoying the sports of baseball and softball, and creating lifelong memories. That is as true for Little League parents as it is for Little League players. And from leading cheers in the stands to eating some of the tasty food at the concession stand, making your Little League experience more fun can also make it more enjoyable for your children.
Here are 5 ways for you to have more fun as a Little League parent.
Go Watch a Practice
Games are great, but practice is where your Little Leaguer® spends the most time with the team, and where your player’s true “sports personality” comes out. Take the time to watch a practice, and most likely, you’ll see a ton of smiles, and some great interaction between teammates. Hopefully, your Little Leaguer’s manager incorporates some fun activities into each practice. If so, be ready to experience the all-important lighter-side of youth baseball and softball. During games, players are often tucked away in a dugout, waiting for their at-bat or sitting out an inning so others can play. If you attend practices, you’ll see a side of your Little Leaguer you’ll really enjoy.
Think Like a Cheerleader
Interacting from the stands can be a good thing as long as it is positive, but instead of acting like coaches with at-bat and fielding instructions, moms and dads should play the role of cheerleaders. You don’t want to bring too much attention to yourself, so walk that thin line between embarrassing your child and showing enthusiasm and support.
Volunteer for Something You Like to Do
Every league needs community support, and volunteering is a big part of making leagues successful. If you’re proactive in volunteering, you might get involved in an area you really like, and where your talents can shine. Do you have a green thumb or at least an interest in gardening? Then, volunteer to get the fields ready before a game. That way, you won’t be obligated to help out in areas you’d rather avoid.
Prepare a Post-Game Playlist
Don’t let the outcome of the game bring down your Little Leaguer and sour the ride home from the field. In the car, put on your family’s favorite tunes. Keep the ride light and fun, and avoid recapping the game. That will help put a positive spin on the game, and help your Little Leaguer get excited for the next one.
Get Away from the Field
Everyone loves an end-of-season party, but there’s no reason to only have one a year. Think of ways for you to interact with your child’s team and their families during the season.