3 Steps to Keeping the Games Fun from Outside the Fence

Watching Little League® games can be as much fun as playing in them. Here are three easy resources to help you enjoy the season from the bleachers.
Know the Pledge
Before the game, as the players say their pledge, remember that the Little League Parent and Volunteer Pledge expresses a sentiment that is just as impactful to the Little League experience, regardless of age or division.
The Little League Parent and Volunteer Pledge
I will teach all children to play fair and do their best
I will positively support all managers, coaches and players
I will respect the decisions of the umpires
I will praise a good effort despite the outcome of the game
To understand these ideals can help everyone at the games be more appreciative of why Little League has come to be about so much more that hitting, catching and throwing a ball. Before every game at the Little League Baseball® World Series, both the Player’s Pledge and the Parent and Volunteer Pledge are recited, which can be a great tradition to implement at your local league.
Be a Second-Goal Parent®
Well before the first pitch, there are other great ways to make the everyday things more meaningful. Working with the Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA), there is a special, free quick-course for Little League parents to help them focus on the importance of being a “Second-Goal Parent”. While Little League Double-Goal Coaches have two goals — winning, and more importantly, teaching life lessons through baseball and softball, “Second-Goal” Parents are focused on the “second goal” of helping children take life lessons from sports.
Respect Others
Whether you’re along the fence, or in the stands at game time, coming to the field ready to offer encouragement and praise is what generates positive energy. A tool from Little League’s A Safety Awareness Program (ASAP), the Sport Parent Code of Conduct can help all parents and all Little League spectators enjoy their time on the bleachers this season, as the children enjoy their time on the field. Always keep in mind that how you carry yourself reflects on you, your family, league, and community. Acting responsibly can help people attending the game emulate what makes Little League exciting for the players.
Little League has been such an important part of young lives for generations. For you, these three prep steps offer teachable moments, and may make the time spent at your local field more enjoyable now, and for years to come.