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What do I need to know about fundraising/crowdfunding?
Per the Little League Operating Policies, charitable funding and contributions can be collected through web-based crowdfunding platforms, so long as standard Little League policies are followed when utilizing this means…
Little League® Launches Lift Your League Virtual Fundraising Campaign
For the first time in its more than 80-year history, Little League® International is uniting the fundraising efforts of its local leagues across the United States through a newly launched…
Crowdfunding or Other Online Fundraising
This policy is in regard to the use of any form of crowdfunding service or website-based platform for the financial benefit or gain of any level of Little League (i.e.,…
May a local league contract with an outside organization to manage and oversee fundraising activities?
The use of a third party company to raise funds, solicit sponsorships, or conduct general marketing or public relations efforts for a local league is highly discouraged and may lead…
Fundraising for Tournament and Commercialization
At all times, leagues should carefully follow the specific guidelines outlined in the Little League® Rules, Regulations and Operating Policies, specifically found in Operating Policies sections including: Using Little League…
Predicting Expenses and Fundraising for Tournament
Each year, the International Tournament is an exciting time in Little League®. Children and their families begin to experience traveling to games with other members of their community in an…
Below is a comprehensive listing of all of our fundraising licensees: