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It Takes Volunteers to Support an Organization as Important as Little League®

By Rich Eckert, North Central Little League President, Milwaukee, Wis. I have been an active volunteer with North Central Little League in Milwaukee, Wis., since my two boys were old…

Being a Little League® Volunteer: In Their Own Words

Since the first Little League® game was played in 1939, millions of adults have embraced the ideals and values of Little League by welcoming the program into their communities, enrolling…

Little League® International Establishes New Little League Softball® Volunteer of the Year Award

To honor those who have provided dedicated service to developing Little League Softball® programs around the world, Little League® International announced today the establishment of the Little League Softball Volunteer…

Warren, Ark., Volunteer, Travis Young, Sr., Elected as Southwestern Region Representative to the Little League® International Board of Directors

At the 2016 Little League® Southwest Regional Roundtable in San Antonio, Texas, Travis Young, Sr., Arkansas District 3 Administrator, was nominated for election to the Little League International Board of…

Floyd Hull, Little League® Volunteer and Former Big League Baseball World Series Director, Passes

Little League® International mourns the passing of Floyd Hull, former President of Federal Little League in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., and Director of the Big League Baseball World Series from 1970…

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