- volunteer
A volunteer is any individual who is contributing time in support of the local league or district without receiving any form of compensation.
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Sports and Volunteer Service is a Winning Combination
By: Dr. Davie Jane Gilmour, Ph.D. Chairman, Little League International Board of Directors President, Pennsylvania College of Technology Attending a small, rural high school in Pennsylvania, my fellow classmates and…
Expand Your Social Network: Be a League Volunteer
Most adults never have enough real-world friends! Putting yourself out there as a local Little League® volunteer makes it that much more likely you will connect with like-minded people, who…
A Guide to Start Volunteering – Why Little League® Parents Should Get Involved Now
Each year, a new group of parents joins the Little League® family, as their children get set to begin their baseball or softball journey, making new friends, and having fun…
Grand Junction (Colo.) Little League Challenger Division® Volunteer Buddy Ryan Teixeira Facing Battle Against Leukemia
Ryan Teixeira, a baseball player at Colorado Mesa University who served as a volunteer buddy for the Grand Junction (Colo.) Little League Challenger Division® team at the 2016 Little League…
British Volunteer John Boyd Nominated for Election as Europe and Africa Region Representative to the Little League® International Board of Directors
John Boyd of London, England, was officially nominated for election as the Europe and Africa Representative to the Little League International Board of Directors as determined via an e-mail vote.…
“It Makes My Day”: Softball Volunteers Share Their Stories
The volunteers at the Little League Softball® World Series in Portland, Oregon tell stories of why they volunteer and what it means to them.
Meet-the-Managers Event Connects Volunteers, Parents, and Players
The most effective methods are often the simplest. In Lititz, Pa., Warwick Little League begins its season by inviting the players and parents to meet with their team’s manager, have…
Don’t Let This Happen: Volunteer Appointment Leads to Local Controversy
At Little League® International in Williamsport, Pa., and at our Regional Offices, calls and emails come in all year long about situations that are happening at one of our 7,000…
Season-End Financial Tips for Local Little League® Volunteers
September 30 marks the end of Little League® fiscal year, and every local league and district should make sure to conduct a review of all of its expenses sometime in…
Don’t Let This Happen: Approving a Volunteer With a Criminal Record
At Little League® International Headquarters and in our Regional Offices, calls and emails come in all year long about situations that are happening at one of our 7,000 local leagues.…