- volunteer
A volunteer is any individual who is contributing time in support of the local league or district without receiving any form of compensation.
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2019 Little League World Series Volunteer Pledge
Coaches from around the world recite the Little League Volunteer Pledge.
Nancie Lane Park: A Volunteer’s Lasting Legacy
Nancie Lane spent 36 years of her life volunteering for her local Little League®. Her lasting legacy includes a local league field in her name, a family of volunteers, and…
2017 Little League World Series Volunteer Pledge
Coaches from around the world recite the Little League Volunteer Pledge.
You Don’t Get To Volunteer Like This…
You don't get to volunteer quite like this anywhere else.
“It Makes My Day”: Softball Volunteers Share Their Stories
The volunteers at the Little League Softball® World Series in Portland, Oregon tell stories of why they volunteer and what it means to them.
ESPN’s Karl Ravech Thanks Little League Volunteers
In recognition of National Volunteer Week, ESPN's Karl Ravech thanks and recognizes the millions Little League volunteers around the world that help make Little League a reality for children.
Why Little League? Volunteers tell their stories
Little League relies on a devoted legion of volunteers to help ensure a positive, safe, and enjoyable experience at every level.
Recognizing Tallmadge Little League’s Tribute to Greg Farabee
Recognizing the tribute to Greg Farabee, longtime Tallmadge (Ohio) Little League volunteer.
Little League District Administrators Tell Their Stories
District Administrators from around the world share their thoughts and experiences on the role of one of Little League's most important volunteer positions.