- volunteer
A volunteer is any individual who is contributing time in support of the local league or district without receiving any form of compensation.
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Best Practices for Local League Fundraising
Each year, local leagues around the country implement fundraising plans to help raise money to support league operations. In local league communities, donations come in a variety of forms –…
Thanks for Making the Choice to Coach Little League®
Coaching Little League® is a choice you’ve made to serve the children and families in your community, and for that, Little League International says, “Thank you!” We realize it’s not…
Orientation Program
Parents can learn about Little League® Baseball and Softball by reviewing the Parent Orientation Program. This program serves as an introduction to Little League and a parent’s role. However, it…
What Parents Need to Know About All-Stars
The Little League® International Tournament is a unique time of the season, a fresh beginning in some respect, with new teams forming and the opportunity to create even more memories.…
Don’t Let This Happen: Lack of League Marketing, Promotion Leads to Money Troubles
At Little League® International in Williamsport, Pa., and at our Regional Offices, calls and emails come in all year long about different situations that are happening at some of our…
Don’t Let This Happen: Using Little League® Funds to Support Travel Ball
At Little League® International Headquarters and in our Regional Offices, calls and emails come in all year long about situations that are happening at one of our 7,000 local leagues.…
Charter and Pay Insurance Premiums Early to Avoid a Lapse in Coverage
Through the winter months, even though baseball and softball are not on the minds of people in most parts of the country, local Little League programs and their dedicated groups of…
Pairing Nutrition, Hydration Help Youth Athletes Maintain Good Health
Baseball and softball are often summer sports, played in the heat and humidity. But, it doesn’t need to be hot for families to make sure proper steps are being taken…
Treasurer: Local League Role
A local league’s Treasurer is a crucial position within its Board of Directors. The Treasurer is responsible for the financial condition of the local league and providing monthly or periodic…
What are Little League Tryouts?
Little League® player evaluations, also referred to as tryouts, are an annual activity for all local leagues, whether a league redrafts all of its team rosters each year or only…