- volunteer application
Any individual who intends to serve the local league or district in an official volunteer capacity that will include repetitive access to children is required to complete a Little League® Volunteer Application, which also acknowledges their consent to an annual nationwide background check.
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What You Need to Know About the Little League® Volunteer Application Process
Simply put, anyone approved by a local league or district, and meeting Little League’s regulations, can become a Little League volunteer. Volunteers have been the lifeblood of Little League since…
Boundary Rule, Returning Volunteer Application a Part of League’s Registration
With player registration comes many questions from parents and fellow volunteers. Little League® has a boundary option to its Regulation II (d) form which allows children to play in the…
Risk Management Downloads
Below are risk management resources that will help your local league with insurance, ASAP, background checks, and more.
Completing Umpire Background Checks Through the Little League® Umpire Registry
The Little League® Umpire Registry is a trusted and well-rounded online education and training resource for umpires. An added benefit for Umpire Registry members is the option to complete and…
Criteria and Selection for Local League Volunteers
Little League® programs are always looking for responsible and enthusiastic individuals to support and coordinate local Little League events and activities. Volunteers should have a keen interest in the safety, well-being,…
Don’t Let This Happen: Approving a Volunteer With a Criminal Record
At Little League® International Headquarters and in our Regional Offices, calls and emails come in all year long about situations that are happening at one of our 7,000 local leagues.…
Appointing Managers, Coaches, and Umpires
The first item to remember when making appointments of managers, coaches, and umpires is ALL managerial, coaching, and umpiring positions are annual. No manager, coach, or umpire has any tenure…
7 Questions to Consider Prior to Conducting Background Checks
As a condition of service to the local Little League®, all managers, coaches, Board of Directors members, and any other persons, volunteers or hired workers, who provide regular service to…
Little League® Background Screening Process
As a condition of service to the league, all managers, coaches, Board of Directors members and any other persons, volunteers or hired workers, who provide regular service to the league…
Little League® Background Checks Protect and Deter
Tony Richardson knows the importance of background checks. A member of the Little League® International Board of Directors (2014-2018), Mr. Richardson was elected as District Administrator in 1996, and has…