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Things to Know from Little League®: August 2017

Each month, Little League® International is providing a quick look at important information and events for the month ahead. We invite you to review and share with your colleagues and friends.…

Former First Lady Barbara Bush Remembered by Little League® International

Little League® International mourns the passing of Barbara Bush, the 37th First Lady of the United States, and a Little League mom. She was 92. Mrs. Bush, and her husband,…

Little League® International Remembers Southwest Region Tournament Umpire Kevin Whitaker

Little League® International mourns the passing of Kevin Whitaker, a longtime volunteer umpire who was the home plate umpire in the 2016 Little League Baseball® Southwest Region championship Game and…

Things to Know From Little League®: February 2017

Each month, Little League® International is providing a quick look at important information and events for the month ahead. We invite you to review and share with your colleagues and friends.…

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