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Parent’s Guide to the Little League® Child Protection Program
At Little League®, we believe every child deserves a safe and supportive environment to learn, grow, and excel through the joy of sports. As the world’s largest youth sports organization,…
Risk Management Downloads
Below are risk management resources that will help your local league with insurance, ASAP, background checks, and more.
Prevent Bullying and Promote Emotional Wellness
Little League® Baseball and Softball updated the Child Protection Program prior to the 2021 season, which includes an added section on Bullying and Emotional Wellness. The policy was updated to…
Appointing Managers, Coaches, and Umpires
The first item to remember when making appointments of managers, coaches, and umpires is ALL managerial, coaching, and umpiring positions are annual. No manager, coach, or umpire has any tenure…
Safety Officer: Local League Role
One of the most important Board positions in a local league is the Safety Officer. The Safety Officer has two main functions — education and the development and implementation of a…
Appropriate One-on-One Interactions vs. Prohibited One-on-One Interactions
Little League® Baseball and Softball emphasizes that volunteers should always follow basic safety procedures to limit one-on-one interactions, including use of the “buddy system.” Little League has expanded the Child…
Background Checks Help Keep Predators Out of Your League
The safety and well-being of all participants in the Little League® program is paramount. The background check laws in your state may require that local Little League® programs complete additional action(s)…
Don’t Let This Happen: People Give Face to the Worst in Youth Sports
In April 2016, cellphone video captured two men brawling during a youth baseball game, and those few seconds of video went viral. National and network news used those few seconds…
Background Checks for Little League® Volunteers
From developing strict pitch count regulations in order to keep young arms healthy to the A Safety Awareness Program, providing a safe baseball and softball experience is paramount for Little…
Don’t Let This Happen: Failing to Background Check Umpires
At Little League® International in Williamsport, Pa., and at our Regional Offices, calls and emails come in all year long about situations that are happening at one of our 7,000…