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Three Ways to Train in the Great Indoors
Most parts of the country are into the depths of winter, meaning scant chance for outdoor baseball and softball training. But don’t despair; you have plenty of opportunity to train…
Local League Finances: What Parents Need to Know
As a parent, it’s important to understand your local league’s financial operations, and we encourage all local leagues to be transparent with their finances. Since its inception, Little League® International…
How to Handle an Umpire’s Questionable Call as a Manager or Coach
Intentionally or not, managers and coaches who argue with umpires – or otherwise share their disagreement with calls – send messages to players and fans that can degrade the Little…
You Make the Call – Is a Runner Out for Leaving the Base Early in Little League Softball?
Situation Situation: The pitcher for the home team allows a lead-off double in the bottom half of the first inning of a Little League® (Major) Division softball game. After returning…
A Little League® Parents Guide to Social Media
Social media is a great way to share the fun of Little League with your family, followers, and friends. Your presence should reflect the positive and developmental environment at the…
Four Ways to Make the Most of Fall Ball
Fall Ball in many leagues may lack the excitement and attention of the regular season and tournament play, but in many ways it is just as important, if not more…
Backyard Tip: Game of 21
Tee Ball is where many children and parents are first introduced to Little League® and baseball and softball. Coach Pitch is where the fundamentals really start to develop. This usually…
What are Little League Tryouts?
Little League® player evaluations, also referred to as tryouts, are an annual activity for all local leagues, whether a league redrafts all of its team rosters each year or only…
Infield Drill Progression
Content provided by USA Baseball. Drills are the lifeblood of skill development. Whether it be for Major Leaguers as a part of their daily routine, or Little Leaguers as their…
Pre-Game Conference: Establishing an Effective Working Relationship
Little League® Umpires often work many games during the season, and quite often do not work with the same partner(s). To develop trust and continuity takes time, but getting to…