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10 Commonly Misinterpreted Little League® Rules
The playing rules governing organized baseball and softball have been evolving for nearly 150 years. The interpretation of some rules may be confusing if not fully explained. Since the first…
Hey, Blue! – How Is that a Foul Ball, and Not an Out?
This month, we will explain and outline a plate umpire’s parameters for declaring a ball foul when it is played by a corner infielder in Little League®. The situation described…
Hitting Drill Progression
Content provided by USA Baseball. Drills are the lifeblood of skill development. Whether it be for Major Leaguers as a part of their daily routine, or youth players as their…
The Mental Side of Hitting
Little Leaguers® put a lot of time and effort into the mechanical side of hitting and working with their coaches. However, very few young hitters work on the mental aspects…
Local League: Creating a Budget
The local Board of Directors decides how the league chooses to budget its funds and those decisions directly impact how much money it needs to operate. Some examples of a…
Tee Ball Drills: Tee Hitting
Fundamental Focus: Tee Hitting will teach players the proper swinging technique. What You'll Need: Tee Balls Bats Helmets Tees Drill Sequence: The players are split into groups and take turns…
Coaching Techniques That Balance Winning and Life Lessons
Nobody likes to lose. But depending on your mentality and what your community values, some can accept losses on the scoreboard more easily than others. Still others are just much…
A Position – No Runners On
The "A Position – No Runner On" Mechanic is used by the Base Umpire when there is no runner on first base and the batter becomes a runner due to…
A Position – The Pivot
The "A Position – The Pivot" Mechanic is a three-step movement used by the Base Umpire when moving from the A Position into the infield when there is no runner…
Situational Hitting 101
Content provided by USA Baseball. The ability to handle the bat, moving runners along and later driving them in, many times, will be the difference between winning and losing a…