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Camp Hill (Pa.) Little League® Challenger Baseball Team Visits the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C.

Less than a month after playing in the 2016 Little League Challenger Division® Exhibition Game in South Williamsport, Pa., against Colorado District 1 Little League Challenger Division (Grand Junction, Colo.),…

Little League® Mourns the Passing of Lieutenant Colonel Alonso Perez Gonzalez, President of the Mexican Baseball Federation

Little League® International mourns the passing of Lieutenant Colonel Alonso Perez Gonzalez, President of the Mexican Baseball Federation (FEMEBE). He was 72. A native of Lagos de Moreno, Jalisco, Mr.…

Baseball, Softball Officially Set to Return to the Olympics in 2020

Little League® International shares excitement in the International Olympic Committees decision to bring the sports back to the Summer Olympics. After a 2005 vote removed it from the 2012 Olympics…

Little League® Expands Video Replay to All U.S. Little League Baseball® Regional Tournament Games in 2016

The use of video replay, originally implemented in 2008 at the Little League Baseball® World Series for the first time by any baseball organization, will now be available in every…

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