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Little League® International Mourns the Passing of College Baseball Coaching Legend Augie Garrido

Little League® International remembers former college baseball manager, and ESPN television personality, Augie Garrido. He was 79. Mr. Garrido won five national championships in 48 years coaching collegiate baseball. He…

Little League® International Remembers Little League Baseball® World Series Usher Tim Waclawski

Little League® International mourns the passing of Thomas “Tim” Waclawski, who volunteered 48 years as an usher at the Little League Baseball World Series in Williamsport, Pa. He was 84.…

Italy, Netherlands Earn Country of the Year Honors at European Baseball and Softball Congress

In recognition of their dedicated support and success in the growth of the Little League® Baseball and Softball program, Italy and the Netherlands were named the 2017 Little League Europe…

I Relied On Baseball Knowledge, Not Umpiring Skills

By John Valverde California District 65 Little League® Umpire I'll never forget my first year as a Little League® umpire. Unfortunately for me, I started officiating baseball late in my…

Little League® Graduates Trevor Hoffman, Chipper Jones Voted into Baseball Hall of Fame

A pair of Little League® graduates will make their way into Cooperstown this summer, as Trevor Hoffman and Chipper Jones were voted into the Baseball Hall of Fame by the…

Baseball Commissioner Rob Manfred Enters the Little League® Hall of Excellence

Commissioner Manfred (left) receives Hall of Excellence Award from Little League International Board of Directors Chairman Hugh E. Tanner. Little League® Baseball and Softball is proud to announce that Baseball Commissioner…

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