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International Rotation Set for 2022 Little League Baseball® World Series Expansion Teams; Dates Announced for 2023 LLWS Events

During the annual fall meeting of the Little League® International Board of Directors, the first two international expansion teams who will earn direct entry to the 2022 Little League Baseball®…

Joe Losch Retires as Corporate Secretary of Little League Baseball®, Incorporated

After more than 20 years of service as the Corporate Secretary of Little League Baseball®, Incorporated, Joe Losch is officially retiring as announced during the annual meeting of the Little…

Little League® International Mourns the Passing of Little League Baseball® World Series Team Host Chuck Snyder

Little League® International remembers long-time Little League Baseball® World Series team host Charles Snyder, Sr. He was 73. Mr. Snyder, a native of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and resident of Pennsdale, Pennsylvania,…

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