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Little League Softball® World Series Celebrates 25 Years at Portland’s Alpenrose Dairy Farm

This August, Little League Softball® celebrates its 25th year of World Series championships at Alpenrose Stadium in Portland, Ore. “It has been a fabulous experience for the best Little League…

Little League® Remembers Dick Hauser, A 1939 Lycoming Dairy Graduate

Little League® International is saddened to hear about the passing of Dick Hauser, one of the first-ever Little Leaguers® from the inaugural 1939 season’s Lycoming Dairy team. Mr. Hauser, who…

Host Family for the SLBWS Canada Region Team

Please help welcome Jill and Elijah Aiken as the host family for the Senior League Baseball World Series Canada Region Team. This will be their second year as the Host…

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