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West Region Umpire Structure Changes

It is my pleasure to announce some changes with the structure of the Western Region Umpires. Dennis Williams of Seattle, Washington will be taking on the role of Co-AUIC alongside…

Parents Can Help Build a Coach-Player Relationship

There is a special bond between player and coach, a bond that can last a lifetime. Even those players who have made it all the way up to the Major…

Boston Strong: The Legacy of Martin Richard

It’s been years since the Boston Marathon Bombing took place, causing feelings of grief, fear, and sorrow to the hearts of many. But for members of Savin Hill Little League…

Jim Dean, Travis Ellis Named to the Little League® International Board of Directors

Nominated by their fellow District Administrators (D.A.s) across their respective regions, Jim Dean and Travis Ellis have officially been elected to serve as Field Directors to the Little League® International…

A Letter from the Chairman: Living your Little League® Experience

Dear Little League® Fans, Families, Volunteers, and Players, As we say goodbye to 2023, and welcome a new year, we are all looking forward to the exciting new ways we…

New Little League® Video Boards Offer Unique Game Day Experience

This summer at the Little League Baseball® World Series, fans and players from around the world will get to enjoy a new in-game experience thanks to the addition of three…

Jon Harrington Elevated to Little League® Social Media Manager

Little League® International has announced the elevation of Jon Harrington from Social Media Coordinator to Social Media Manager, effective as of January 1, 2024. “Social media has become such an important…

Joy Reynolds McCoy: Pick a Path and Follow It

Life has emulated art for Joy Reynolds McCoy, Little League® Senior Vice President and Chief League Officer, who, like American poet Robert Frost described in his poem The Road Not…

By Luke Ramirez: Living the Little League® Dream Is a Dream of a Lifetime

Written by Luke Ramirez, Member of the 2009 Little League Baseball World Series Championship Team from Chula Vista, California COVID-19 has taken so much from so many, and while it…

Parkland: A Community Ripped Apart Comes Together Through Little League®

February 14, 2018. A day that members of the Parkland community in Florida, and the entire world, will never forget. A day when a single high schooler at Marjory Stoneman Douglas…

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