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Important Updates to Little League’s Child Protection Program

Little League® is for everyone, and all children and families should be able to fully enjoy their Little League experience on and off the field. To help bring that fun,…

Volunteer Little League® Coach. Professional Child Predator

Note: This is a mature subject and the story is intended for Little League parents and adult volunteers. Ken Stockton vividly remembers being drafted to his Little League® team in 1960.…

Little League® Offers Families Unique, Affordable Fun

A staple in communities around the world for decades, Little League® Baseball and Softball provides millions of families each year with an experience unlike any other youth sports organization and…

The 2019 ASAP Award Winners Showcase Thoughtfulness, Planning in Their League Safety Efforts

Since its creation, the Little League® Baseball and Softball A Safety Awareness Program (ASAP) has been embraced by local leagues nationwide and has helped to reduce injuries by 90 percent.…

Parents Should Stay Involved Even When the Playing Days of Their Little Leaguers® Are Over

At the end of every Little League® season, parents who recently had their child graduate from the program face an emotional time. The family will likely reminisce about the fun…

Little League® Multi-Platform Rights Extension with ESPN

As we reflect on what would have been the 2020 Little League® World Series, Little League International looks forward to the next chapter of its story with the announcement of…

A Look Inside Little League® New District Administrator Training

Newly elected District Administrators from across the globe share what they learned at last weekend’s D.A. training in South Williamsport Little League® District Administrators (D.A.s) are some of the most…

Things to Know From Little League®: February 2017

Each month, Little League® International is providing a quick look at important information and events for the month ahead. We invite you to review and share with your colleagues and friends.…

New Generation, Same Old Mistakes

I remember the day my son signed up my grandson, James, for Little League®. I was so excited. I brought out an old photo album, and showed James the pictures…

Little League® Celebrates Another Exciting Year in 2019

Throughout the course of 2019, the Little League® program continued to find ways to deliver increased levels of excitement, new opportunities, and countless memories for thousands of communities around the…

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