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Appointing Managers, Coaches, and Umpires
The first item to remember when making appointments of managers, coaches, and umpires is ALL managerial, coaching, and umpiring positions are annual. No manager, coach, or umpire has any tenure…
Parent’s Guide to the Little League® Child Protection Program
The backbone of Little League is the adult volunteer. One million strong, it is the corps of dedicated people who coach the teams, umpire the games, work in the concession…
Attending an ID Camp: Stepping Toward Umpiring a Little League® Region or World Series Tournament
Are you interested in umpiring a Little League® Baseball or Softball Region or World Series Tournament next season? Have you umpired a Region Tournament in any division of play? If…
Questions to Ask Before Registration
A league’s registration days are typically the first official local league function of the new Little League® season. During this time, parents and guardians sign up their children to play…