All waiver requests are initiated by a local league’s board of directors. Once the board votes to REQUEST a waiver, it will be reviewed by the Charter Committee, provided the necessary information is received to review the request in advance of the June 1 deadline. The use of paper forms is not recommended, and Little League does not produce such a paper form.
Out-of-boundary request includes a written request from the parent(s)/guardian(s) of the player as well as a statement from the player’s home league, if applicable. Regardless of the home league’s stance, the request will still be reviewed by the Charter Committee. It is the responsibility of the league wishing to make a waiver request to gather all required information and then submit for review.
The requesting league’s District Administrator will be given the chance to comment on the request. Using the Southeast Region’s online request form means the league does not need to submit the information to the DA, who would pass it on to the Region. Once the league submits a request, the DA is notified and given a chance to comment. The DA has the right to support or not support a request, but regardless of his/her stance, it does not stop the request from being heard by the Charter Committee.
A DA may also note there are errors in the submission and return the request to the league, who will need to submit a new request, with the noted changes made.