Little League® International mourns the passing of Waldemar Szymanski, a long-time Little League volunteer, who was among the first to champion Little League in Poland and throughout the Europe-Africa Region.
Mr. Szymanski, a native of Kutno, Poland, helped to form and register the Polish Baseball and Softball Federation in 1978. The Federation continues to operate today. He held various positions with the Federation, including the position of Secretary General.
“Waldemar was the greatest of friends to Little League,” said Beata Kaszuba-Baker, Europe-Africa Little League Region Director. “He promoted the Little League program in Poland, and throughout Europe among the national federations. He was always so passionate about Little League and believed our program was the best program for youth development in the world.”
Mr. Szymanski was instrumental in securing Poland’s first Little League program in 1989. He organized a ceremony in Warsaw, where sitting United States President George H. W. Bush delivered Poland’s first Little League charter certificate.
As Little League International was considering various locations for the construction of the European Leadership Training Center, Mr. Szymanski enthusiastically promoted bringing the project to Kutno, his hometown, and the birthplace of Polish baseball.
Mr. Szymanski is widely credited as one of the founders of organized baseball and softball in Poland.