Eliminates Mandatory Play for the Senior League Division only in Baseball and Softball.
Change: Mandatory Play: Every rostered player present at the start of a game will participate in each game for a minimum of six (6) defensive outs and bat at least one (1) time. For the purposes of this rule, “six (6) defensive outs” is defined as: A player enters the field in one of the nine defensive positions when his/her team is on defense and occupies such position while six outs are made; “bat at least one (1) time” is defined as: A player enters the batter’s box with no count and completes that time at bat by being retired, retired as a batter-runner or runner, scores, reaches base safely, or, after reaching base safely, the inning or game ends. For the purposes of meeting the requirements of Mandatory Play when using the the traditional batting order, is when a player assumes the position of a batter with no count and one of the following occurs:
- He/she is retired as a batter; or
- He/she is retired as a batter-runner; or
- He/she reaches base and scores; or
- After he/she reaches base, the inning or game ends.
PENALTY: The player(s) involved shall start the next scheduled game, play any previous requirement not completed for Section (i), and the requirement for this game before being removed.
The manager shall for the:
A. First Offense – receive a written warning.
B. Second Offense – a suspension for the next scheduled game.
C. Third Offense – a suspension for remainder of the season.
NOTE 1: If the violation is determined to have been intentional, a more severe penalty may be assessed by the Board of Directors. However, forfeiture of a game may not be invoked.
NOTE 2: There is no exception to this rule unless the game is shortened for any reason, at which time the local league may elect not to impose a penalty on the manager/coach. However, the penalty in this regulation regarding the player who did not meet mandatory play cannot be reduced or waived in a shortened game.
NOTE 3: In Minor League, if a half-inning ends because of the imposition of the five-run limit in “Rule 2.00– Inning,” and a player on the defense has played for the entire half-inning, that player will be considered to have participated for three consecutive outs for the purposes of this rule. However, if the player has not played on defense for the entire inning, that player will be credited only as having played for the number of outs that occurred while the player was used defensively.
NOTE4: If a league uses 15 to 20 player rosters and 15 or more eligible players are at a game, the league may reduce the Mandatory Play Rule to three (3) defensive outs and one (1) at bat per game.
NOTE 5: Does not apply in Tournament Play or anytime the continuous batting order is used.