Local League or District Websites
Local leagues, Districts, and State Associations are permitted to host websites that assist with communicating information about their activities in the local community. The local league name, affiliation with Little League, divisions offered, registration, facilities locations, board members, schedules, and other information for parents and volunteers to contact the league should be clearly stated on the website.
Any league or district that wishes to host a website, which includes Little League Trademarks in any manner must submit their website address (www.) or URL (Universal Resource Locator) into the Little League Data Center annually. The URL should be a combination of a league or district’s name in conjunction with the words “Little League” or “LL.” An example of how a URL should appear: www.HometownLittleLeague.org or www.PA50LittleLeague.org.
Use of the Little League Trademarks, logos, and links to LittleLeague.org are permitted on websites operated by local leagues or districts, however, permission must be granted in advance by contacting Marketing@LittleLeague.org. Under no circumstances may a league, district, or person register a website using the words Little League for any other purpose other than to represent and support their local league or district. This includes websites set-up for the purposes of raising funds such as crowdsourcing websites. If teams within local leagues also host websites, they are required to follow these guidelines and the guidelines for use of Little League Trademarks. Team URLs are not required to be submitted to Little League International. Leagues and teams should not use any commercial entity in their league URL. It is strongly encouraged that local league board members approve all website content and the content of any associated team websites to ensure content being distributed is deemed appropriate for children in the Little League program.
Should a league elect not to re-charter or change its affiliation, the league is responsible for transferring any domain name containing Little League to Little League International (Support@LittleLeague.org) at the local league’s expense.
Leagues are also encouraged to secure Form Waiver and Model Releases as part of the player and volunteer registration process. This release should include language which would allow leagues to post images, video, or live games of players participating in league activities.
Little League reserves the right to review any league or district website that uses Little League Trademarks and logos to ensure appropriate permissions from those individuals is granted. It is recommended that you incorporate a Form Release and Waiver, commonly referred to as a Form Waiver and Model Release (LittleLeague.org/ModelRelease), as part of the player registration process. Little League reserves the right to require a league to remove content on local league websites, including its social media sites if content is deemed inappropriate.
Technology Provisions for Local League and District Websites and Online Registration Services
Little League has partnered with third party technology providers including Sports Connect as the official partner for local league technology services. Sports Connect works with leagues and districts to provide websites, online registration, and many other appropriate technology services that can enhance the administrative functions for local leagues. As a part of Central Registration, all Little Leagues are required to use Sports Connect to conduct online registration.
Additional information on use of websites, online registration and other technology can be found on LittleLeague.org/Technology.
Local League or District Online Stores (E-Commerce)
Local Leagues may desire to offer apparel, uniforms, and other products to their league membership using an online store to conduct business. This type of activity involves the use of Little League trademarks and must be approved by Little League International.
Therefore, Little League maintains relationships with technology service providers, who may offer this service. Such providers may be found at LittleLeague.org/Technology.
Before utilizing a service, leagues should contact Marketing@LittleLeague.org for more information and guidelines.
NOTE: For more information regarding use of Little League trademarks in relation to local league fundraising and the solicitation of donations for regular season and tournament, please consult the Little League Operating Policies and LittleLeague.org for additional guidance.