Conn. Gen Stat. § 21a-432
An “Operator” shall require any prospective employee or volunteer, who is eighteen (18) years of age or older, who applies for the position of a coach, instructor or athletic trainer to submit to a comprehensive background check. Additionally, a comprehensive background check must be completed for each coach, instructor or athletic trainer at least once every five (5) years. The statutory definition of “Operator” includes a nonprofit organization that conducts, coordinates, organizes or otherwise oversees any “youth athletic activities”, whether for compensation or not. “Youth athletic activities” is defined as organized athletic activity involving participants not more than nineteen (19) years of age, “who (A) (i) engage in an organized athletic game or competition against another team, club or entity or in practice or preparation for an organized game or competition against another team, club or entity, or (ii) attend an organized athletic camp or clinic the purpose of which is to train, instruct, or prepare such participants to engage in an organized athletic game or competition, and (B) (i) pay a fee to participate in such organized athletic game or competition or attend such camp or clinic, or (ii) whose cost to participate in such athletic game or competition or attend such camp or clinic is sponsored by a municipality, business or nonprofit organization.”
The comprehensive background check must include, but is not limited to;
- criminal history records check conducted (i) by submitting a request to the State Police Bureau of Identification, along with arrangement of fingerprinting of the subject individual or conducting of another method of positive identification as required by the Bureau of Identification, or (ii) by searching the electronic criminal record system maintained on the Internet web site of the Judicial Department for convictions matching the prospective employee’s name and date of birth;
- check of the state child abuse registry established pursuant to section 17a-101k;
- check of the sex-offender registry established and maintained pursuant to section 54-257; and
- search of the National Sex Offender Registry Public Website maintained by the United States Department of Justice.
Alternatively, an Operator may contract with a third-party provider of national criminal history checks for the conducting of the required comprehensive background checks. The third-party provider must conduct the background checks in accordance with the national industry background check standards established by the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee.
If the comprehensive background check results in a finding that the individual applying to become an employee or to volunteer as a coach, instructor, or athletic trainer has been convicted of a felony involving the use, attempted use or threatened use of physical force against another person, of cruelty to persons under section 53-20, injury or risk of injury to or impairing morals of children under section 53-21, abandonment of children under the age of six years under section 53-23, or any felony where the victim of the felony is a child under eighteen years of age, or of a violation of section 53a-70, 53a-70a, 53a-70b, 53a-71, 53a-72a, 53a-72b or 53a-73a, or has a criminal record in Connecticut or any other state that the Operator reasonably believes may render the person unsuitable for a position as a coach, instructor or athletic trainer, the Operator shall not employ the person or accept the person as a volunteer if, after considering (1) the nature of the crime and its relationship to the position for which the person has applied; (2) information pertaining to the degree of rehabilitation of the convicted person; and (3) the time elapsed since the conviction or release, the Operator determines that such person is not suitable for the position for which such person has applied.
Information regarding Criminal History Record Checks and Fingerprinting by the Connecticut State Police Bureau of Identification, including the request form, can be found at:
The Connecticut Judicial Department electronic criminal record system can be accessed at the following web address:
Information regarding check of the Central Registry for child abuse and neglect, including the request form, can be found at:
The Connecticut Sex-offender Registry can be accessed at the following web address by clicking “Sex Offender Registry” on the left-hand column:
The National Sex Offender Registry can be accessed at the following web address:
The Connecticut statute can be viewed online at:
See also § 17a-101k, § 29-17a, and § 54-257: