In addition to the updates to both the Little League® Child Protection Program and Regulation II that were announced earlier this year, the official updates to Little League’s Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Operating Policies for the 2025 season have been announced. These changes were reviewed by the Rules Committee and Tournament Committee.
While the full listing of significant rule and regulation changes can be found both at LittleLeague.org/Rules and in the free Little League Rulebook App, below is an overview of some of the notable updates that will go into effect for the 2025 season:
Updates to Tournament Tie Game Rule
Directly impacting Tournament Rule 14, this change eliminates playing the seventh inning (Intermediate/Junior/Senior League: eighth inning) as normal for all tournament games that are tied after regulation. Now, the tiebreaker will begin immediately in the seventh inning (Intermediate/Junior/Senior League: eighth inning) by placing the player who is scheduled to bat last in that respective half inning on second base to begin each extra inning.
Mandatory Play Removed in Senior League
Beginning with the 2025 season, the Mandatory Play requirement does not apply to the Senior League Baseball or Senior League Softball Divisions of play.
One-Way Electronic Devices to the Catcher
As technology on and off the field continues to evolve, Little League has adjusted its Rule 3.17 in both baseball and softball to add an exception that permits a coach or manager to use one-way communication to the catcher while the team is on defense for the purpose of calling pitches. However, a manager or coach is prohibited from using the device to communicate with any other team member while on defense or any team member (including a manager or coach) while on offense, and a manager or coach shall not use the device outside the dugout/bench area.
Updates to Pregame Equipment Inspections
With adjustments made to both Rule 3.01 and Tournament Rule 3, the requirement for umpires to check equipment prior to the start of the game has been removed, placing responsibility for legal and proper equipment on the manager.
Apparel and Equipment Regulations
Along with the changes to team rules and regulations as outlined above, additional adjustments and clarifications have been made for individual player apparel and equipment, including:
- Bat Modifications/Alterations: Clarifies that products, such as, but not limited to, choke-knobs, choke-up assists, or thumb protectors are considered alterations to the bat and are not permitted.
- Pitcher’s Undershirt (Softball Only): Clarifies that any part of the pitcher’s undershirt or T-Shirt exposed to view cannot be the same color of the ball being used in the game.
- Neoprene Sleeves (Baseball Only): Permits neoprene sleeves to be worn without being covered by an undershirt, provided the neoprene sleeve is a solid color and not white or gray.
- Jewelry: Removes Rule 1.11(j) to remove the requirement that jewelry, other than medical alert, should be removed, permitting jewelry to be worn.
- Items Worn on Hands/Wrists: Clarifies that a pitcher may wear items on the glove hand, wrist, or arm (non-pitching arm) of a solid single color, provided it is not the same color as the ball being used in the game.
- Helmet Stickers: Permits the use of helmet stickers or decals, provided that such usage is not excessive, is not offensive, and does not make inappropriate references, such as that to drugs or alcohol.
- Approved Substances on Pitching Hand/Fingers (Softball Only): Clarifies non-approved substances on the pitching hand or fingers versus the use of approved substances under the judgement of the umpire.
Additional language changes to provide more consistency and clarifications throughout Little League’s Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Operating Policies have also been made as noted in the full significant changes document found both at LittleLeague.org/Rules and in the free Little League Rulebook App. The Rulebook App includes all three rulebooks, exclusive rule interpretation videos, and automatic updates for future seasons. Download the free Rulebook App on the Apple App Store or Google Play Store today to stay up-to-date with all the updates each year.
In addition to all the resources surrounding the Official Regulations, Playing Rules, and Operating Policies of the program, Little League also offers a variety of free training courses to support its volunteers and parents at LittleLeague.org/Training.