For more than a decade, Kevin Kinkade has given back to the youth athletes of Warner Robins (Ga.) American Little League.
Like so many other volunteers around the world, Kinkade’s Little League® experience started as an assistant coach for his daughter’s Tee Ball team. After a season of making memories, he expanded his role in the league, becoming the manager of his daughter’s Little League Softball® team, and joining the Little League Challenger Division® with his son, who continues to participate in the program today.
“There are so many memories to choose from, but it’s hard to land on a favorite. Winning the 2023 Georgia State tournament and advancing to the Southeast Region tournament with the softball team I coached is a standout memory,” said Kinkade. “Plus, all the times I have been able to bring teams to the Southeast Region tournament to kick it off with the Challenger Division Exhibition games are also some of the best memories.”
After two years of leading teams in the dugout, Kinkade was appointed to the Warner Robins American LL Board of Directors where he served as the Vice President of both softball and the Challenger Division. While he no longer sits on the board, Kinkade continues to put on his coach’s cap season after season, providing a fun experience and life lessons to his Little Leaguers®.
Recognized as the January 2025 Little League® Diamond Leader of the Month, Kinkade shared his experience in a Diamond Leader Discussion:
From your experience with the Little League Diamond Leader Training Program, why do you think it is important for other coaches and volunteers to take it, as well?
The Diamond Leader training is a valuable resource to help volunteers understand their role and impact on the community. It can be hard to get volunteers, and this allows for the proper training to give new volunteers the tools needed to handle various situations that pop up when coaching youth athletes.
What does it mean to you to be a Diamond Leader and why should others strive to be the same?
The Challenger Division is a very rewarding league to be a part of, but it can come with a different set of challenges that the Diamond Leader training helps to facilitate. The kids in this division are truly playing the game for all the right reasons, regardless of capabilities. As a coach, the Challenger division forces you to look past the competitive nature of the game and into more of how to encourage and support these kids who just want to experience the game like everyone else. The Diamond Leader training transcends beyond the field and to the families of these athletes because they, too, are needing much of the same support from the coaches in hopes that the program provides the right atmosphere for their children to have an enjoyable and memorable experience.
Which of Little League’s core values — teamwork, fun, community, integrity, and inclusion — do you feel shine brightest during your volunteer work with Little League?
I don’t think any of Little League’s five core values can exist without the others. If I had to pick one value that represents why I do it, then community would be the biggest value. I love being able to give back to the community and have a part in developing our youth and instilling key values along the way.
The Little League Diamond Leader program, which was first piloted with nearly 1,000 Little League volunteers throughout the 2022 season, was created as part of the Susan Crown Exchange’s Million Coaches Challenge and developed in coordination with the Aspen Institute’s Project Play. Focused on ensuring children have a positive, well-rounded experience on and off the field, the Little League Diamond Leader Training Program is a FREE educational resource that provides coaches with an understanding of the impact that mental, social, and emotional well-being has in youth sports through detailed information, interactive scenarios, and a variety of additional resources. Learn more and become a Diamond Leader yourself by visiting LittleLeague.org/DiamondLeader.