On Friday, April 9, 2021, Little League and other youth baseball organizations, were informed that the Easton issued an important consumer SAFETY Notice regarding their BLACK MAGIC 2.0 catcher’s helmets for two reasons:
(i) the metal “cage” or “face protector” on certain units may experience poor paint adhesion which causes a risk of paint particles dislodging and impacting the wearer; and
(ii) Easton has made a design improvement to the “rear cap” (the rear portion of the helmet shell that is separate from the main helmet shell, and which covers the back of the head) to better reduce impact to reduce risk of a head injury caused by impact to the rear of the cap.
Depending on usage and environment, most consumers will not experience any issues with their Black Magic 2.0 catcher’s helmet. However, to improve safety and performance, Easton is asking that you STOP USING the BLACK MAGIC 2.0 catcher’s helmet and allow them to improve it for you free of charge.
If you have or are aware of anyone using the Black Magic 2.0 catcher’s helmet, please view this full statement from Easton to learn how you can get the helmet replaced.