Little League® “Tee Ball Tuesday” highlights the fun, fitness, and fundamentals enjoyed by the youngest Little Leaguers® and their families. Beginning in the fall of 2016, Little League International asked parents, coaches, and other local league volunteers to share their “Tee Ball Tales” with us. Many wonderful tales have been submitted from all around the globe, and below, is a collection of some of the fun and unique moments that capture the essence of #TeeBallTales.
The Tired Tee Baller
Redland Little League – Lewisberry, Pa.
A tiny blonde tee baller had just crushed a double off the tee. The crowd was going nuts as she stopped at second base next to her coach, Nathan. She looked over at him with a huge smile and said “I’m tired. I just want to go home and go to bed.” Of course her coach asked quickly “What about that awesome hit?” She never stopped smiling and simply responded “I just want to lie down.”
Helmets On
East Windsor PAL Little League – East Windsor, N.J.
Marc was stationed between first and second base coaching while the “visiting” team was at bat. A tee baller hit the ball and made it safely to first base. The fans were clapping in excitement. Then, the mother of the player who hit the ball came jogging out on to the field. She removed the batter’s helmet, replaced it with his cap and began to jog off the field. Trying not to laugh, Marc chased her down and explained why her son needed to wear the batting helmet while running the bases.
Shy Guy
Nelson Baseball Association – Nelson, British Columbia, Canada
Two new Little League parents took their tee baller to the park for their very first practice. There was just one tiny snag. About halfway across the diamond the 4-year-old tee baller decided that there was no way that he was going to be participating in the hoopla of baseball! They could have left. But they didn’t. Instead they played catch on the far side of the field. Over the course of practice the shy guy became convinced that it looked like more fun was behind had over there. By the end of the day, he agreed to collect his little orange jersey, and that the next week he joined the team for practice.
Touch first base!
Central Islip Little League – Islip, N.Y.
Linda had lined all of her tee ballers up then gave instructions and a demonstration of running to first base. After the demonstration, she brought one player to the front of the line to be the first runner. The coach said, “He’s going to show everyone how to run and touch first base.” Off the tee baller went to first base. About a foot before the base he stopped and bent over touching the base with his hand. He stood there bent over, holding onto the base, like he was playing twister!
Thank You For Teaching Me Baseball
Lynnwood Pacific Little League – Lynnwood, Wash.
After one of the season’s first practices, Dave was quickly trying to put all of the team equipment away as he had to get from tee ball practice to farm (minor) division practice. He was saying goodbye to players and parents while quickly packing away the gear. Then, he heard a small voice behind him, say “Excuse me, Coach Dave?” It was Mary, one of his tee ballers who was playing Little League for the first time. “Yes, Mary?” he replied. “Thank you for teaching me baseball today,” she said. And as she did she handed her coach several small yellow flowers she had picked from the grass in the outfield.
Have any #TeeBallTales to share? It might be a moment that captured the essence of Little League, good sportsmanship, or perhaps it just made you laugh out loud? Share it with us here!