“Dear Girls with Game” – Joy Reynolds McCoy

dear girls with game

Dear Girls with Game,

For every girl who has ever wondered — Am I good enough? Do I have the right looks? Am I smart enough? Do I have enough talent or the right skills? Am I a Girl with Game?  — I am here to tell you that YES, YOU ARE! You are a Girl with Game.

Being a Girl with Game is not about being the most talented athlete or smartest in the class. A Girl with Game is the girl who shows up every day, puts in the work, and does not let the things she cannot control define her.  She has grit and perseverance. She strives to do her best and does not let defeat stop her.

A Girl with Game comes in every shape and size. She may or may not be an athlete. She struggles, she laughs, she cries. She cheers on other girls in every setting. She tries. She fails at times and succeeds at times.

A Girl with Game never accepts the fact that she cannot do something just because she is a girl. She is willing to try new things and pushes herself to always be her best. Being a Girl with Game comes from within you — your mindset and how you tackle every single day. Every girl is a Girl with Game.

You should never wonder if you have what it takes to be a Girl with Game. You are a Girl with Game, and nothing can stop you!

Always here for you,

Joy Reynolds McCoy, Little League Chief Legal Officer

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NOTE: The “Dear Girls with Game” letter series is a piece of the #GWG50 Celebration in 2024, with written letters from staff members from Little League International focused at inspiring the next generation of Girls with Game. To learn more about this initiative, visit LittleLeague.org/GWG50. The #GWG50 celebration is proudly supported by DICK’S Sporting Goods, a long-time Little League partner that is committed to creating opportunities for girls and women in sports and will be activating around key events and milestones this year.