The Eastern Region Headquarters of Little League® Baseball and Softball has announced the dates for the 2018 Little League Baseball® Eastern Region and 2018 Little League Softball® Eastern Region tournaments. The Little League Softball® Eastern Region tournament will take place in from July 21 through July 26. The Little League Baseball® Eastern Region tournament will take place in Bristol, Conn. from August 4 through August 11. All games will be played at Leon J. Breen Field at the A. Bartlett Giamatti Little League® Training Center in Bristol, Conn.
“It may be March right now, but preparations already are underway for this summer’s Little League® Eastern Region tournaments,” said Little League® East Region Director Corey Wright. “The region staff and incredible volunteers on the tournament committee are working hard to make sure that this year’s tournaments are the best ever.”
Ten champions from the East Region will participate in the softball regional tournament. Games begin on Saturday, July 21, with the opening ceremony will taking place at 6:45 P.M. The championship game is scheduled for Thursday, July 26. The winning team will represent the East Region in the 2018 Little League Softball World Series® in Portland, Ore. in August.
The baseball regional will be conducted as two, separate tournaments. Little League Baseball® Champions from Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont will play in the New England Region Tournament. Champions from Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Washington, DC will compete in the Mid-Atlantic Region Tournament. The tournaments will kick off with the opening ceremony on Saturday, August 4 at 7 P.M. The popular Little League Challenger Division® Exhibition Game will follow the ceremony. Tournament game play begins on Sunday, August 5 and will conclude on Saturday, August 11 with the New England Championship and Mid Atlantic Championship. Each winner will represent its respective region in the 2018 Little League Baseball World Series® in Williamsport, Pa. This is the 32nd year that the Little League Baseball® Eastern Region tournament will be played in Bristol, Conn.
Game schedules for the tournaments will be released later this spring.