Less than a month after playing in the 2016 Little League Challenger Division® Exhibition Game in South Williamsport, Pa., against Colorado District 1 Little League Challenger Division (Grand Junction, Colo.), the Camp Hill (Pa.) Little League Challenger Baseball Team was invited by U.S. Congressman Scott Perry and U.S. Senator Bob Casey of Pennsylvania to come to Washington, D.C., for a tour of the U.S. Capitol.
WATCH: 2016 Challenger Exhibition Game
“Our players are so happy to be ambassadors for the Little League Challenger Division,” said Tony Fowler, Camp Hill Little League Challenger Division Commissioner. “Visiting the U.S. Capitol is an incredible opportunity and I think the entire country needs to hear about the Little League Challenger Division. Challenger baseball is unique in that it provides children with physical and/or intellectual challenges the opportunity to participate in a team sport without the emphasis on winning or losing.”
As part of the trip, the coaches, staff, players, and their buddies had the opportunity to see the Supreme Court Chamber, speak with Congressman Perry and Senator Casey, and take pictures throughout the Capitol Square. To see a full photo gallery from their trip to the U.S. Capitol, visit the Camp Hill Little League Challenger Baseball Team Facebook page.